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Daily Archives: 26. February 2017 − News & Stories

New ava­lan­che at Hiorth­fjel­let

A new ava­lan­che has des­cen­ded at Hiorth­fjel­let on the north side of the Advent­da­len, oppo­si­te Lon­gye­ar­by­en. No one was har­med. Secu­ri­ty forces have inves­ti­ga­ted the site and found no dama­ge or trap­ped per­sons.

Hiorth­fjel­let in sum­mer (Image: By Bjoert­vedt, Wiki­me­dia Com­mons)


The evacua­ti­on of most of the house­holds in Lon­gye­ar­by­en has now been part­ly can­ce­led. Howe­ver, num­e­rous hou­ses in Rou­te 222, 226 and 28 still remain clo­sed to the resi­dents. They were able to get per­so­nal items from their homes yes­ter­day during the day. The ava­lan­che war­ning still exists.

Souce: Sys­sel­man­nen


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