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pfeil Calendar 2025: Spitsbergen & Greenland pfeil

Daily Archives: 20. July 2018 − News & Stories

Hin­lo­pen – 20 July 2018

We have rea­ched the beau­tiful Hin­lo­pen Strait! Last night we pas­sed the long ice cliffs of Aus­t­fon­na and Brås­vell­breen, unfort­u­na­te­ly hid­den in the fog, but the­re were a lot of ice­bergs.



We paid a visit to a wal­rus colo­ny. The num­ber of ani­mals pre­sent was not actual­ly impres­si­ve, but to our sur­pri­se, it did not mat­ter too much; the two wal­rus­ses were rela­xed and some of their fri­ends came along for a visit. They had a good time and so did we.



In the after­noon, a small team of bra­ve expe­di­tio­ners was rea­dy to start an over­night hike with tents and ever­y­thing across Sca­nia­hal­vøya, aiming at a calm camp some­whe­re in a wide val­ley bet­ween the ice caps. Unfort­u­na­te­ly, a yel­low dot far away in the tun­dra tur­ned out to be a slee­ping polar bear, so we had to can­cel this adven­ture and the hikers joi­n­ed the various after­noon walks in Augus­t­abuk­ta. We explo­red the wide coas­tal plain which had a sur­pri­sin­gly rich diver­si­ty of flowers in same places and a lot of fos­sils in others. A litt­le herd of reinde­er tur­ned out to be pret­ty curious. Later, the wind cal­med down and the sun came out and we had beau­tiful evening light on the wide gla­ciers and ice caps near­by befo­re we moved into some fog banks.



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