Opening Spitsbergen for tourists again in the Corona crisis is still work in process. Negotiations supposed to result in a careful are going in between the industry and various authorities. Tourism representatives had expressed their hope to get a date already on Friday or at least on Monday (11 May), but this has obviously not yet happened. Some tour operators hope to re-start their business from 01 of June.
Applies to all of Spitsbergen and will stay for a while:
Corona-quarantine (photo composition).
Especially travellers from outside Norway should take their time, observe the further development and read the small print. It appears likely – official confirmation is pending – that Norway will keep a quarantine for everybody who enters the country, according to the newspaper Dagbladet. The quarantine will be reduced from 14 to 10 days, probably also in Spitsbergen, and it will apply to everybody who is entering the country regardless of nationality, something that would make such a procedure comply with the Spitsbergen Treaty. This means that Spitsbergen as a destination might not be realistic for people who are not already in Norway.
All organised travelling will require a health safety plan accepted by the authorities.
This appears to be the current situation. Final confirmation and the futher development remains to be seen.