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Daily Archives: 16. August 2021 − News & Stories

Nord­aus­t­land – 16th August 2021

An excur­si­on to the dar­kest years in Spitsbergen’s histo­ry, the second world war. The famous Hau­de­gen wea­ther sta­ti­on on Nord­aus­t­land.

Later, a ful­ly unex­pec­ted excur­si­on to the hig­hest levels of arc­tic exci­te­ment and beau­ty: more than a dozen polar bears were fee­ding on a wha­le car­cass on a tiny island on the north side of Nord­aus­t­land. An ama­zing spec­ta­cle. I don’t have words to descri­be that.

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

Nor­dens­ki­öld­buk­ta – 16th August 2021

An evening some­whe­re in Nor­dens­ki­öld­buk­ta, on the north side of Nord­aus­t­land. A late evening landing to stock up on freshwa­ter (Arc­ti­ca II has got a water­ma­ker, but it doesn’t want to do its job curr­ent­ly. No pro­blem, we just find water some­whe­re in natu­re).


Drift ice under the mid­night sun.



An excur­si­on to the dar­kest years in Spitsbergen’s histo­ry, the second world war. The famous Hau­de­gen wea­ther sta­ti­on on Nord­aus­t­land.


Later, a ful­ly unex­pec­ted excur­si­on to the hig­hest levels of arc­tic exci­te­ment and beau­ty: more than a dozen polar bears were fee­ding on a wha­le car­cass on a tiny island on the north side of Nord­aus­t­land. An ama­zing spec­ta­cle. I don’t have words to descri­be that.

Nordaustland Polar bears
Nordaustland Polar bears

News-Listing live generated at 2025/February/13 at 03:09:46 Uhr (GMT+1)