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Daily Archives: 16. February 2011 − News & Stories

Dog kil­led by polar bear

A polar bear has atta­cked the dogs of the Polish rese­arch sta­ti­on in Horn­sund. One was kil­led, two more were inju­red. The bear had alre­a­dy spent seve­ral days around the sta­ti­on and atta­cked the dogs. Even war­ning shots and rub­ber bul­lets had fai­led to sca­re the bear away.

The Sys­sel­man­nen has now tried to sca­re the bear away with the heli­c­op­ter. All sta­ti­on mem­bers were vac­ci­na­ted against rabies, as some had been in touch with the dogs that had been atta­cked.

Polar bear and dog, Kapp Lin­né (1999). The dog sur­vi­ved wit­hout inju­ries, but had to step asi­de and let the bear have its din­ner.

Polar Bear

Source: Sys­sel­man­nen


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