November wet and warm
The number 52 is storytelling. This is the amount of precipitation (mm per months) measured in November in LOngyearbyen, in contrast to a normal monthly average of 15 mm. This makes November 2014 the wettest November in Longyearbyen ever since meteorological recordings were started in the early 20th century. Until now, the record was held by November 1993 with 46.5 mm.
Ny Ålesund received an amazing 73.2 mm, but this was not enough to beat the record from November 1993, which is an amazing 230.3 mm.
Also the temperatures were above average, in Longyearbyen -6.4 degrees centigrade compared to an average of -10.3. The reason for the warm and wet weather is the high frequency of low pressures coming from the west with warm and moist air. Normally, there is a stronger eastern influence with colder and drier air in November.
The weather made itself felt in daily life: A few snow mobiles are now frozen solid on a ice-covered ground, and it may take the next real thaw to make them move again. This may or may not happen before May. And the hospital certainly had an above average number of patients who had slipped on clear ice. It is recommended to use spikes and light or a reflector if you walk around in Longyearbyen in these conditions.
Clear ice under a thin snow cover made walking in Longyearbyen dangerous at times in November.
Source: Svalbardposten
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last modification: 2014-12-05 ·
copyright: Rolf Stange