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HomeArctic blog: Jan Mayen, Spitsbergen → Hin­lo­pen – 07th Juli 2015

Hin­lo­pen – 07th Juli 2015

The sou­thern Hin­lo­pen Strait is full with ice, no thought of get­ting through. Ice, ice, ice! Inclu­ding ple­nty of ice­bergs. The sou­thern part of Aus­t­fon­na, the lar­ge ice cap on Nord­aus­t­land, has been sur­ging in recent years, pushing a lot of gla­cier ice into the sea.

Hin­lo­pen – 07th Juli 2015 – Pho­to Vibe­buk­ta – 1/2


Almost 80 wal­rus­ses are lying on 3 ice floes, most of them young ani­mals, some just bey­ond the baby stage. The lar­gest group alo­ne is near 50 wal­rus­ses on one quite over­c­row­ded ice floe, hard to belie­ve that it did not alre­a­dy break under tho­se many tons of huge seals. The wal­rus­ses are very busy with them­sel­ves, fight­ing playful­ly, very acti­ve, some going into the water just to get out onto the ice floe again. We watch the magni­fi­cent dis­play for a while from a careful distance and dis­ap­pear again.

The long gla­cier front of the ice cap Aus­t­fon­na is in den­se drift ice, out of reach. Cap­tain Joa­chim maneou­vres the Anti­gua as far into the drift ice as pos­si­ble and then stops the engi­ne for a while. Ice, ice, ice any­whe­re. Drift ice, ice­bergs, gla­ciers. High arc­tic.

Hin­lo­pen – 07th Juli 2015 – Pho­to Vibe­buk­ta – 2/2


An evening visit to a group of wal­rus­ses res­t­ing on the beach rounds a won­derful Hin­lo­pen day off.



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last modification: 2016-09-23 · copyright: Rolf Stange