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Daily Archives: 23. July 2015 − News & Stories

Kongsfjord III – 23rd July 2015

All good things are three­fold (I am sure that doesn’t trans­la­te, but that is what the Ger­man ori­gi­nal says), so we spent a third day in Kongsfjord. Well, it wasn’t quite like that. In Kross­fjord, it was so win­dy that we quick­ly deci­ded to return to Kongsfjord, whe­re it is curr­ent­ly cal­mer. So we went to Ny Lon­don on Blom­strand­hal­vøya to have a look at the old marb­le mine with the huts, steam drill, quar­ry and loa­ding cra­ne. Nice to see how natu­re is taking her ter­rain back again slow­ly. Flowers are gro­wing through holes in the old ste­al machi­nery, like the the Dro­o­ping saxif­ra­ge.

Pho­to – Kongsfjord III – 23rd July 2015 – 1/3


Later we also went for the hike to the top of Blom­strand. Fine views of the famous Kongsfjord pan­ora­ma, and a very acti­ve gla­cier cave in Blom­strand­breen. Con­stant­ly fal­ling ice and thun­der pro­vi­ded excel­lent enter­tain­ment while we had a rest on the peak.

Pho­to – Kongsfjord III – 23rd July 2015 – 2/3


Com­ple­te silence now on the boat, it is calm out­side, ice­bergs drif­ting ever­y­whe­re. Tomor­row, the wind should also calm down at sea, so we can con­ti­nue nor­thwards.

Pho­to – Kongsfjord III – 23rd July 2015 – 3/3


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