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HomeArctic blog: Jan Mayen, Spitsbergen → Lief­defjord – 07th June 2016

Lief­defjord – 07th June 2016

„Ice is nice“ is a bit of an under­state­ment for the stun­ning beau­ty of Mona­co­b­reen today. Alt­hough it starts with „ice would be nice“. Just a few years ago, the fjord ice stret­ched 20 km fur­ther out. Now the­re isn’t the sligh­test trace of sea ice near Mona­co­b­reen.

But the­re is gla­cier ice. Ple­nty of it, in the most beau­tiful colours. All shades from bright white to deep blue.

Two small islands have appeared under the retrea­ting Seli­ger­breen. The­re are cover­ed with towers of gla­cier ice, but the rocks are sti­cking out at all sides. It won’t take long until we we can land on them, whe­re ever­y­thing has been buried under gla­cier ice just recent­ly.

Gal­lery Lief­defjord – 07th June 2016

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

After a litt­le hike on Ler­nerøya­ne, a land­scape that reminds a bit of Green­land, and loo­king for polar bears in outer Lief­defjord, we are now ancho­red in well-shel­te­red Mus­ham­na. A bree­ze is blo­wing and the snow is drif­ting quite den­se­ly, arc­tic win­ter is in the air. See what tomor­row brings.



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last modification: 2016-08-12 · copyright: Rolf Stange