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pfeil Guidebook: Spitsbergen-Svalbard pfeil

Daily Archives: 15. August 2016 − News & Stories

Storfjord – 15th August 2016

Now we have to move one, we still have many miles to go to the west coast, up to Isfjord, and to Lon­gye­ar­by­en. We are pas­sing Mohn­buk­ta. The over­land trip from the­re to Lon­gye­ar­by­en would just take a few hours, but that’s ano­ther sea­son, ano­ther way of get­ting around … Agardhbuk­ta fol­lows, from here it would be a hike of 4-5 days for strong wal­kers. That is about the amount of time that we still have for the long trip around the south cape.

My per­so­nal memo­ries of the fol­lo­wing two days are not quite com­ple­te, as we keep steam­ing through two nights. Initi­al­ly, Hein­rich, Kers­tin and I take shifts, which we then redu­ce to Hein­rich and me during the second night so Kers­tin can take care of landings, which I am miss­ing. A stran­ge expe­ri­ence for me, but this way we can keep moving, which is important now. How did we make this work until last year, wit­hout a second gui­de? I don’t know.

But we do make landings. In Isbuk­ta, we make an unu­su­al obser­va­ti­on: a Harp seal on a pie­ce of gla­cier ice! Very clo­se to us, the cha­rac­te­ristic fur pat­tern is cle­ar­ly visi­ble. Then the group makes a hike on shore.

Gal­lery – Storfjord – 15th August 2016

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

We pass the infa­mous south cape during the night. Calm seas and reasonable wea­ther allow Hein­rich to exe­cu­te a nau­ti­cal mas­ter­pie­ce as he is navi­ga­ting Arc­ti­ca through through a nar­row and shal­low pas­sa­ge north of the small islands, saving a good 20 nau­ti­cal miles on our way to Horn­sund. Good thing, as it starts rol­ling as we reach the west coast.


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