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pfeil Guidebook: Spitsbergen-Svalbard pfeil

Daily Archives: 25. May 2017 − News & Stories

Bear Island – 25th May, 2017

Bear Island can be a tough place, as expo­sed as its rocky cliff coasts are lying in the midd­le of the wild nor­t­hern sea. But the nor­t­hern sea is not always wild, and it does have its advan­ta­ges to know some good places. It feels good to get solid Bear Island ground under the rub­ber boots again! To stand on top of the cliffs, wat­ching down on guil­l­emots, ful­mars and puf­fins. Fur­ther inland, most of the ground is still snow cover­ed, the soil lar­ge­ly fro­zen.

Gal­lery – Bear Island – 25th May, 2017

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

The wea­ther is on our side, and we make good use of that. It is a rare and gre­at oppor­tu­ni­ty to cir­cum­na­vi­ga­te the who­le sou­thern tip of Bear Island in Zodiacs. Bird cliff after bird cliff, ten thou­sands of Brünich’s and com­mon guil­l­emots, kit­ty­wa­kes and ful­mars. Steep cliffs more than 400 met­res high, off­shore stacks, coas­tal caves and nar­row pas­sa­ges, one mira­cle of natu­re after the other, some of them being small, others quite lar­ge. All of them beau­tiful and impres­si­ve. The Nor­we­gi­ans have a good word to descri­be this kind of land­scape, they call it „trollsk“. A mys­tery land­scape, with hid­den tre­asu­res, with some kind of magic about it. I don’t know of a fit­ting Eng­lish word. Trollsk, that’s it, that descri­bes the sou­thern tip of Bear Island per­fect­ly well, with Glu­pen and Sylen, Stap­pen and Per­le­por­ten.


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