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HomeArctic blog: Jan Mayen, Spitsbergen → For­lands­und-Isfjord – 12th July 2017

For­lands­und-Isfjord – 12th July 2017

The best days are often tho­se ones whe­re you don’t fol­low plans, but things just hap­pen. One more good reason just to fol­low the wind some­ti­mes!

To begin with, we were a bit late, as we had spent quite a bit of time last night with the bird cliff and the blue fox in Kross­fjord. So we were not in Isfjord when we woke up, but still in For­lands­und. Which was not bad, it is a beau­tiful area, and we set cour­se for a landing site after break­fast, ente­ring a love­ly, litt­le natu­ral har­bour with the Zodiacs. We enjoy­ed the beau­ties of the west coast tun­dra for a while, the colourful flowers, the wide-open tun­dra, views from litt­le hills, the rug­ged coast­li­ne, until we spot­ted a polar bear in the distance. It tur­ned out to be a mother bear with two cubs!

Gal­lery – For­lands­und-Isfjord – 12th July 2017

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

We moved out, but later we mana­ged to get some stun­ning views of the polar bear fami­ly from the Zodiacs. The three were fee­ding from the car­cass of a wal­rus. An unfor­gettable moment and an unex­pec­ted high­light of this voya­ge, which is slow­ly coming towards its end! It was – still is – a gre­at trip, some­thing that we cele­bra­ted in the evening, after ano­ther, litt­le landing on Erd­mann­flya, wit­hout polar bears this time, with our tra­di­tio­nal Captain’s Din­ner. Che­ers!



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last modification: 2017-07-21 · copyright: Rolf Stange