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Daily Archives: 12. November 2017 − News & Stories

Spits­ber­gen-calen­der 2018: the east coast

In Febru­ary, the Spits­ber­gen-calen­dar 2018 takes us to the east coast. In the win­ter sea­son, this is a popu­lar desti­na­ti­on for snow­mo­bi­le day-trips, enab­ling rela­tively many peo­p­le to see this grand win­ter sce­n­ery. Storfjor­den is fro­zen to fast ice here in Mohn­buk­ta, and some smal­ler bits and pie­ces of gla­cier ice are stuck in the ice. They bro­ke off last sum­mer from the com­bi­ned gla­cier fronts of Königsbergbreen/Hayesbreen/Heuglinbreen, of which we can see a small part in the back­ground.

It is quite com­mon that polar bears are roa­ming through this icy land­scape. We will see if we are lucky enough to spot them some­whe­re later …

The sun is just start­ing to rise abo­ve the hori­zon in Spits­ber­gen in mid-Febru­ary, and the days are still short. It is still too ear­ly for lon­ger trips. But the light can be breath­ta­kin­gly beau­tiful!

Spitsbergen-Calendar 2018: February. Ice-landscape on the east coast

Spits­ber­gen-Calen­dar 2018: Febru­ary. Ice-land­scape on the east coast.


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