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Daily Archives: 30. May 2018 − News & Stories


We could spend the who­le day in Kongsfjord. This post­card-level-beau­tiful fjord con­sists, next to moun­ta­ins, of many lar­ge gla­cier, and we had a very good and clo­se look at seve­ral ones of them, both from a land­ba­sed per­spec­ti­ve and from the sea. This alre­a­dy descri­bes most of today’s acti­vi­ties suf­fi­ci­ent­ly.


At Blom­strand­breen.

Humpback whale, Kongsfjord

Hump­back wha­le in Kongsfjord.

We were at the right time at the right place to meet a Hump­back wha­le who waved us a fri­end­ly fare­well with his migh­ty flu­ke. And to round the day off, we went for some insi­de insights of Blom­strand­hal­vøya.

Iceberg, Kongsfjord

Ice­berg in Kongsfjord.

Coastal cave, Blomstrandhalvøya

Coas­tal cave, Blom­strand­hal­vøya.

Ano­ther beau­tiful day in the Arc­tic!

For­lands­und, Ny-Åle­sund

The wind that had bothe­red us yes­ter­day evening ser­ved us well later during the night and car­ri­ed us far north, so we woke up with wal­rus­ses just around the cor­ner and of cour­se we made good use of the oppor­tu­ni­ty ☺


Wal­rus­ses in For­lands­und.

Ny-Åle­sund is of cour­se a clas­sic on most Spits­ber­gen voy­a­ges, but on this par­ti­cu­lar trip, it is a rather unex­pec­ted geo­gra­phi­cal high­light in the truest sen­se of the world. Who would have thought just a few days ago that we would make it this far north? But here we were, and we could even enjoy bril­li­ant suns­hi­ne – a rare thing on the west coast of Spits­ber­gen – and then, final­ly, a calm night in the har­bour. Some­thing we had well deser­ved, as we all agreed!


The air­ship mast at Ny-Åle­sund.


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