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Daily Archives: 18. September 2018 − News & Stories

Raud­fjord – Fuglefjord – Kob­befjord – 18 Sep­tem­ber 2018

It is hard to belie­ve, but the wea­ther remains fault­less­ly beau­tiful. Hard­ly a cloud in the sky, gent­le frost in the mor­ning, no wind worth men­tio­ning.

It is time to stretch legs a bit. Solan­derfjel­let is temp­ting with stun­ning views over Raud­fjor­den.


View over Raud­fjor­den

We con­ti­nue through Fuglefjord, fil­led with ice from the migh­ty Svitjod­breen.


In the evening we turn into Kob­befjor­den on Dan­s­køya. This is whe­re seal­ing ships used to lea­ve mail for the main­land in the past – the­re is no let­ter or post­card in the cairn here today, the tra­di­ti­on seems to vanish in the haze of histo­ry. This is also whe­re Tor­ge­ir Simon­sen and Harald Møkle­by ended up after their icy Odys­sey in 1922 to die tra­gi­cal­ly a few months later. We, in con­trast, can enjoy the deep-red colours of the sun­set and a num­ber of very curious har­bour seals befo­re we con­ti­nue south on a flat-calm sea.



News-Listing live generated at 2024/September/19 at 10:11:57 Uhr (GMT+1)