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Monthly Archives: November 2019 − Travelblog

Kabel­våg, Svol­vær & Lauk­vik

We spend the mor­ning in Kabel­våg, the for­mer “capi­tal” of Lofo­ten, a powerful place for cen­tu­ries until it lost its importance in recent histo­ry. But it is still a love­ly place with an inte­res­t­ing salt­wa­ter aqua­ri­um and an equal­ly inte­res­t­ing histo­ry muse­um. The rich­ness and the power of the mer­chants next to the pover­ty of the fisher­men. A strong con­trast.

Gal­lery – Kabel­våg, Svol­vær & Lauk­vik

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

The hike to Svol­vær was both love­ly (regar­ding sce­n­ery) and wet (regar­ding ter­rain). Tho­se who stay­ed on board of SV Anti­gua for the short pas­sa­ge to Svol­vær had some more time to explo­re the modern-day capi­tal of Lofo­ten befo­re we visi­ted the nor­t­hern light cent­re in Lauk­vik in the evening.

Troll­fjord – Skro­va

Troll­fjord is one of the most famous places in Lofo­ten. It is so easi­ly acce­es­si­ble by ship and the land­scape is stun­ning.

And it still is even if you don’t see all of it. The moun­tain peaks were hid­den in clouds. But we saw actual­ly more of Troll­fjor­den than we had expec­ted … and then, we could even set some sails!

Gal­lery – Troll­fjord – Skro­va

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

Later we ente­red the litt­le har­bour of Skro­va, a small island far north in Ves­t­fjord that belongs to Lofo­ten. Love­ly har­bour. Love­ly sce­n­ery. Love­ly walks. Love­ly hiking. Love­ly BBQ by Sascha and his team. Wea­ther – less love­ly, most­ly. But we even got some nor­t­hern lights later that evening. Love­ly.


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