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HomeArctic blog: Jan Mayen, Spitsbergen → Pyra­mi­den and Dick­son Land. And SV Anti­gua is back in Spits­ber­gen!

Pyra­mi­den and Dick­son Land. And SV Anti­gua is back in Spits­ber­gen!

As I men­tio­ned recent­ly – we spend a lot of time out­side, and the­re is always some­thing to do in Lon­gye­ar­by­en. So the lap­top is clo­sed most of the time, wri­ting is not the main thing here and now. But the hiking boots are some­ti­mes steam­ing, and at other times the out­board engi­ne of our litt­le Zodiac and at yet other times the came­ra. And that is how it should be.

SV Anti­gua final­ly back in Spits­ber­gen

Antigua, Ymerbukta

Anti­gua in Ymer­buk­ta.
We went out the­re for a love­ly ren­dez­vous.

Good old Anti­gua is back in Spits­ber­gen! Gre­at! We went by Zodiac to Ymer­buk­ta to meet the good ship and her crew the­re, whe­re the ship was ancho­red for a rest after the crossing. It was good to see Cap­tain Mario and the crew again! We took the oppor­tu­ni­ty tog­e­ther to take a detour into Coles­buk­ta on the way to Lon­gye­ar­by­en, whe­re the crew is now get­ting the ship rea­dy for the first depar­tu­re next week. I am loo­king for­ward to join them in late August. First, I’ll be out with SY Arc­ti­ca II soon.

Captain Mario, Colesbukta

With Mario, Cap­tain on SV Anti­gua, in Coles­buk­ta, cele­bra­ting the occa­si­on.

Pyra­mi­den and Dick­son Land

Now it has alre­a­dy been a while sin­ce we spent some days in and around Pyra­mi­den in July. We went to look for – and found – a fos­si­li­sed forest, which was cover­ed with mud by a flood in a flu­vi­al plain almost 400 mil­li­on years ago. Most of the trees (sigil­la­ria) just kept stan­ding as they had been gro­wing, and the still stand the day today. We had seen ano­ther part of this forest last year; flu­vi­al ero­si­on keeps brin­ging other parts to the light of day for a geo­lo­gi­cal split-second, befo­re they dis­ap­pear and get lost fore­ver. If you hap­pen to be in the area during this geo­lo­gi­cal moment, then you just have to take the oppor­tu­ni­ty.

And any­way, Dick­son Land is just one of Spitsbergen’s most beau­tiful are­as, if you ask me.

Gal­lery – In and around Pyra­mi­den

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.



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last modification: 2021-08-05 · copyright: Rolf Stange