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pfeil Guidebook: Spitsbergen-Svalbard pfeil

Daily Archives: 8. September 2021 − News & Stories

Isfjord – 06/07 Sep­tem­ber 2021

After a bum­py ride down For­lands­und and into Isfjord, the wind blew us into Grønfjord and to Barents­burg, which was not bad after all.

We roun­ded the trip off with a day in Bil­lefjord, with a good walk on Gips­huks­let­ta and an ama­zing after­noon at Nor­dens­ki­öld­breen. What a fan­ta­stic day!

Here you can see why:

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.


News-Listing live generated at 2025/February/16 at 03:25:07 Uhr (GMT+1)