Statistics Norway (statistisk sentralbyrå, SSB) have published new data describing Svalbard’s population. As of January 01, 2023, a total resident population of 2,897 people was registered in Spitsbergen’s five settlement, starting with 10 folks in the Polish research station in Hornsund.
Most people live in Longyearbyen and Ny-Ålesund, which are counted together in the official statistics. These settlements had a total population of 2,530 as of the beginning of 2023. During the fall of 2022, this number had increased: 234 people who had moved away were move than compensated by 352 who moved to Longyearbyen (and Ny-Ålesund, but most of them will definitely have moved to Longyearbyen).
These figures indicate high fluctuation: nearly 10 per cent of the total population have moved in and out in just half a year. High fluctuation has always been a characteristic of Longyearbyen’s population. Many come on contract and leave again as soon as the work is done, for example when a building project is finished or when the season is over.
Longyearbyen’s population in early 2023:
some went away, more moved in.
The statistics give away some more interesting details: the percentage of women has increased slightly up to 47.1 %. Also the percentage of Norwegian citizens has increased a little bit, but over the years it has been stable and close to 65 %. Amongst the non-Norwegian citizens, the proportion of people from EU-countries outside Scandinavia has grown a little bit.
At the same time, the percentage of children and young people has decreased. Especially when considering young children (younger than school age), the decrease is quite pronounced, from 170 in 2013 to only 109 in 2023. During the same period, the age group 20-44 has seen the strongest increase, from 49 % to 54 %.
Barentsburg and Pyramiden
Also the Russian settlements of Barentsburg and Pyramiden are covered by the Norwegian statistics. Also here, both are counted together, but there is not really a permanent population in Pyramiden, where only a small group of a few dozen people are present for periods of usually a couple of months or so to keep the place running.
Statistics show a record population also in Barentsburg and Pyramiden, but with 357 people in January 2023, it is a negative one – never have fewer people been registered in Spitsbergen’s Russian settlements. According to former head of Trust Arktikugol’s tourism section in Barentsburg Timofey Rogozhin as quoted by The Barents Observer, most Ukrainians have left since the beginning of the Russian war. Until early 2022, a high percentage of coal miners and others in Barentsburg were from the Ukraine.