The dark sky above Spitsbergen was lit by a pretty spectacular light for s short moment on December 21, a sight that didn’t require additional alcohol or drugs to make one think of an UFO or something like that. Andreas Eriksson who works for KSAT, the company running the satellite antenntas on Platåberg behind the airport, managed to take several photos that subsequently appeared on KSAT’s social media pages. Additionally, an automatic camera of the Kjell Henriksen Observatoriums in Adventdalen took an impressive video (click here to access the video on the website of the observatoriums; the gist of the matter comes after ca. 15 seconds).
Light phenomenon on the sky above Spitsbergen. Photo taken by Andreas Eriksson/KSAT.
The photos caused much speculation what it actually might have been. Amongst others it was suggested that it was Santa Claus trying out a new sledge. If so, it must have been a bit of a hot rod.
Meanwhile, information has surfaced that reveals the real nature of the light. The true explanation, as described by the Barents Observer is a Russian military rocket with “military infrastructure”. It is not known what this “infrastructure” actually is.
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