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Home* News and Stories → Spec­ta­cu­lar finds of dino­saur ske­le­ton remains in the Isfjord area

Spec­ta­cu­lar finds of dino­saur ske­le­ton remains in the Isfjord area

Parts of dino­saur bones from Isfjord have been known sin­ce the ear­ly 20th cen­tu­ry, but things real­ly star­ted to hap­pen when Nor­we­gi­an pal­aen­to­lo­gists found remains of no less than 28 indi­vi­du­al mari­ne rep­ti­les near Dia­ba­sod­den (Tem­pel­fjord in Isfjord), dating to the Juras­sic (about 150 mil­li­on years old). Most of them are Icht­h­y­o­saurs that loo­ked more or less simi­lar to dol­phins, others are Ple­sioraurs, lar­ger pre­da­tive rep­ti­les. One Plio­saur (sub­group of Ple­si­o­saurs) must have been 15 met­res long and is thus the lar­gest of its kind that has been found so far, as has recent­ly been announ­ced.

Ske­le­ton of the “mons­ter”, as the 15 m lar­ge Plio­saur is inof­fi­ci­al­ly cal­led. Only the red parts have been found.

Plio­saur having break­fast, as “seen” by an artist.

Spectacular finds of dinosaur skeleton remains in the Isfjord area - data-lazy-src=

Field work at Knor­ring­fjel­let.

Spectacular finds of dinosaur skeleton remains in the Isfjord area - data-lazy-src=



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last modification: 2014-07-01 · copyright: Rolf Stange