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Home* News and Stories → Rus­si­an ship Petro­za­vodsk groun­ded at Bjørnøya

Rus­si­an ship Petro­za­vodsk groun­ded at Bjørnøya

The Rus­si­an fishery sup­port ves­sel that ran aground at Bjørnøya on 11 May is still in the same posi­ti­on. So far, it has only been pos­si­ble to remo­ve smal­ler amount of dan­ge­rous liquids (oil, die­sel, paint), but the major part of the die­sel volu­me is still on board. Minor spills have alre­a­dy occu­red, and small num­bers of birds cover­ed with die­sel oil have been obser­ved. Nor­we­gi­an aut­ho­ri­ties have made pre­pa­ra­ti­ons to remo­ve all remai­ning dan­ge­rous sub­s­tances from the ship and have announ­ced that ever­y­thing will be done to com­ple­te the ope­ra­ti­ons befo­re the Guil­l­emot chicks that are curr­ent­ly sit­ting in very lar­ge num­bers on adja­cent cliffs jump into the water (they lea­ve the nes­t­ing site befo­re they can fly). So far, bad wea­ther and rough seas have made the­se ope­ra­ti­ons impos­si­ble.

Bird cliff at the sou­thern tip of Bjørnøya, near the site of the Rus­si­an wreck.

Russian ship Petrozavodsk grounded at Bjørnøya

Source: Sval­bard­pos­ten



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last modification: 2014-07-01 · copyright: Rolf Stange