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Home* News and Stories → No “ozone hole” abo­ve the arc­tic this year

No “ozone hole” abo­ve the arc­tic this year

At least occa­sio­nal­ly, the­re are good news from the envi­ron­men­tal sec­tor: After the alar­mingly strong deple­ti­on of the stra­to­sphe­ric ozone con­cen­tra­ti­on in the high arc­tic mea­su­red in 2011, the “zone hole” seems to be “men­ded” by natu­re this year, as the­re hasn’t been any com­pa­ra­ble ozone loss this spring.

The reason is the slight­ly hig­her tem­pe­ra­tu­re in the hig­her atmo­sphe­re com­pared to last year: Only tem­pe­ra­tu­re lower than -78°C enable “ozone kil­lers”, arti­fi­ci­al com­pounds such as CFCs, tog­e­ther with sun radia­ti­on to crack ozone mole­cu­les.

Stra­to­sphe­ric ozone fil­ters lar­ge amounts of natu­ral UV radia­ti­on and is thus high­ly important for all living things, from sin­gle-cel­led orga­nisms to humans. Important sci­en­ti­fic work on the atmo­sphe­ric ozone is car­ri­ed out, among­st others, by the Alfred Wege­ner Insti­tu­te in Ny Åle­sund.

Radio­son­de to be released in Ny Åle­sund.

Radiosonde to be released in Ny Ålesund

Source: Spie­gel-Online



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last modification: 2014-07-01 · copyright: Rolf Stange