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Home* News and Stories → Anja Fleig (1974-2012)

Anja Fleig (1974-2012)

Many are around in the busi­ness of polar expe­di­ti­on crui­sing, some stay for a while but a very few keep it going for more than just a few years. Anja Fleig was among­st the most high­ly respec­ted expe­di­ti­on lea­ders we have known in recent years.

On July 14, 2012, Anja pas­sed away far too ear­ly in her young life after a dise­a­se she had fought for a long time.

Tog­e­ther with many fri­ends and col­le­agues, the aut­hor of the­se lines, who has known her sin­ce the came to Lon­gye­ar­by­en in the late 1990s, will miss her as the good per­son, the good fri­end, the good gui­de and expe­di­ti­on lea­der she was.

Few, if any, had bet­ter know­ledge, more expe­ri­ence and hig­her stan­dards as expe­di­ti­on lea­der than Anja. Having lived her adven­tur­ous, exci­ting life for more than just a few sea­sons, she had had amp­le oppor­tu­ni­ties to make expe­ri­en­ces that are once-in-a-life­time or sim­ply out of reach for most others. A litt­le com­fort may be found in the idea that Anja saw much more of the natu­ral beau­ty of this world than others who have the chan­ce to stay around twice as long.

Anja got mar­ried to her hus­band Tim in 2009 in Spits­ber­gen on their floa­ting second home, the Polar Star. Tog­e­ther, they have a child born in 2010.

Anja in the hap­pier days 2007 on Bear Island

Anja Fleig 1974-2012



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last modification: 2014-07-01 · copyright: Rolf Stange