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Home* News and Stories → Nor­we­gi­an for­eign minis­ter about arc­tic oil and gas

Nor­we­gi­an for­eign minis­ter about arc­tic oil and gas

The Nor­we­gi­an for­eign minis­ter Espen Barth Eide has recent­ly said cle­ar­ly what he thinks about the future of arc­tic oil and gas explo­ita­ti­on. Accor­ding to him, the ques­ti­on of envi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion is rest­ric­ted to a sole­ly tech­ni­cal issue, but wit­hout fur­ther poli­ti­cal rele­van­ce. The idea of lea­ving arc­tic oil and gas in the ground is not a rele­vant ques­ti­on.

The fol­lo­wing quo­ta­ti­ons (trans­la­ted from Ger­man) are suf­fi­ci­ent to get an under­stan­ding of the mes­sa­ge of the Nor­we­gi­an minis­ter:

  • “The explo­ita­ti­on of arc­tic resour­ces will take place.”
  • “If you drill respon­si­bly, then the­re should not be any pro­blems.”
  • “Some peo­p­le have the wrong per­cep­ti­on, that the Arc­tic is a glo­bal heri­ta­ge as the Ant­ar­c­tic.”
  • “We do not need spe­ci­fic regu­la­ti­ons as in Ant­ar­c­ti­ca. The regi­on is not uni­que, com­pared to other open sea are­as.”

Oil riggs in the North Sea.

Norwegian foreign minister about arctic oil and gas - Oil riggs

The com­ple­te inter­view can be read in Ger­man on Spie­gel Online..



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last modification: 2014-07-01 · copyright: Rolf Stange