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Home* News and Stories → Arte­facts from polar histo­ry lost in muse­um fire in Ita­ly

Arte­facts from polar histo­ry lost in muse­um fire in Ita­ly

A fire in the muse­um of sci­ence in Nap­les (Napo­li) in Ita­ly hast led to the loss of irre­trie­va­ble arti­facts from polar histo­ry. The exhi­bi­ti­on was meant to focus on tho­se aspects of polar histo­ry which are shared by Ita­ly and Nor­way, such as the air­ship expe­di­ti­ons to the North Pole by Roald Amund­sen and Umber­to Nobi­le, who star­ted 1926 and 1928 in Ny Åle­sund. Now, both count­ries have lost some of their polar heri­ta­ge.

Accor­ding to media, fire rai­sing was the reason for the dis­as­ter, which has des­troy­ed the muse­um and thus 175 jobs. The­re is no infor­ma­ti­on about peo­p­le being inju­red. The moti­ve is belie­ved to be a local con­flict about the attrac­ti­ve muse­um estate.

Some of the lost arti­facts were brought to Nap­les from Nor­way espe­ci­al­ly for the exhi­bi­ti­on. Lost are, among­st others, the ski­es that Fri­dt­jof Nan­sen has sup­po­sedly used during his famous crossing of the Green­land inland ice in 1888, clo­thes used by Nobi­le during his North Pole flight with the Ita­lia in 1928 and the log­book of the Nor­ge, the air­ship that was used by Amund­sen, Nobi­le and Ells­worth and their crew on their famous flight from Ny Åle­sund across the North Pole to Alas­ka in 1928. It was most likely on this occa­si­on that the North Pole was seen by man.

The air­ship Nor­ge in 1926 near Ny Åle­sund befo­re taking off for the North Pole. The log­book is now lost fore­ver.

Airship Italia, Ny Ålesund.

Source: Aften­pos­ten



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last modification: 2014-07-01 · copyright: Rolf Stange