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Spring in Spits­ber­gen

The arc­tic spring is just around the cor­ner: signs of war­mer days are more and more visi­ble even in the high arc­tic. No dark­ness any­mo­re sin­ce ear­ly April, and the mid­night sun is offi­ci­al­ly shi­ning in Lon­gye­ar­by­en sin­ce yes­ter­day (April 20). The first birds, inclu­ding Snow bun­tings and Litt­le auks, have retur­ned to their bree­ding are­as.

The next days are even sup­po­sed to be quite warm, around zero degrees, but the fore­cast is pro­mi­sing tem­pe­ra­tures well below free­zing again later – let’s hope they are right. But a warm spell in mid April fol­lo­wed by col­der tem­pe­ra­tures until ear­ly or mid May is quite nor­mal.

The ice con­di­ti­ons are also more “nor­mal” again than last year. The east coast is packed with den­se drift ice or even fast ice. The drift ice is also coming clo­ser and clo­ser to the north coast.

Ptar­mi­gan on ice­berg. Strict­ly spea­king, the ptar­mi­gan is no sym­bol for the spring, as it is the only bird to spend the win­ter in Spits­ber­gen.




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last modification: 2014-07-01 · copyright: Rolf Stange