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Home* News and Stories → Arc­tic drift ice: Febru­ary cover at fourth lowest ext­ent sin­ce 1979

Arc­tic drift ice: Febru­ary cover at fourth lowest ext­ent sin­ce 1979

The arc­tic drift ice cover usual­ly rea­ches its maxi­mum dis­tri­bu­ti­on in mid March. In 2014, howe­ver, the Febru­ary ext­ent was far behind the nor­mal values. The avera­ge was 14.4 mil­li­on squa­re kilo­me­t­res or 910,000 mil­li­on squa­re kilo­me­t­res less than the long-term avera­ge. This puts Febru­ary 2014 on the fourth place in the nega­ti­vensta­tis­tics sin­ce 1979, the begin­ning of sys­te­ma­tic obser­va­tions.

Febru­ary 2005 holds so far the abso­lu­te nega­ti­ve rekord.

In Febru­ary 2014, the ice cover grew with about 14,900 squa­re kilo­me­t­res per day. The cor­re­spon­ding long-term value is, howe­ver, 20,300 squa­re kilo­me­t­res. Short-term fluc­tua­tions against the gro­wing trend in Febru­ary are due to ice move­ment rather than mel­ting.

In Febru­ary 2014, the tem­pe­ra­tures in lar­ge parts of the Arc­tic were 4 to 8 degrees abo­ve the long-term avera­ge.

Arc­tic drift ice: the ext­ent in Febru­ary was extre­me­ly low.

arctic drift ice

Source: Snow and Ice Data Cent­re



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last modification: 2014-07-01 · copyright: Rolf Stange