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pfeil Guidebook: Spitsbergen-Svalbard pfeil


Alre­a­dy the first suns­hi­ne day. We are get­ting spoi­led. High sum­mer in the arc­tic! I may have men­tio­ned it befo­re, but: the­re is not­hing more beau­tiful than such a day up here, just under 80 degrees. We have been out for many hours today and hik­ed quite some kilo­me­t­res over bar­ren tun­dra in nor­t­hern Wood­fjord. And some hundred met­res up. A „new“ moun­tain, it work­ed well and the reward came in shape of grand views over Mus­ham­na and Wood­fjord.

Now I know why I always lea­ve the GPS on so it can save a track. This way, I am able to find my sun­glas­ses again quite some time after I have left them some­whe­re on the tun­dra. Very useful.

Coming to the „Rit­ter hut“ at Gråhu­ken is almost like get­ting back home. It just gives me this fee­ling. Not only becau­se I have been the­re quite a few times. Hil­mar Nøis hit the nail on the head when he named the hut „Kapp Hvi­le“ in 1928: Cape of Rest, Cape of inner peace. Some­thing like that. I can’t real­ly trans­la­te it. A place whe­re you find peace of mind, that soot­hes you, that makes you feel at home.

Espe­ci­al­ly after spen­ding hours on the tun­dra to get the­re.

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

Now we are hea­ding nor­the­ast, towards Ver­le­gen­hu­ken and the drift ice. Still bright suns­hi­ne and calm waters. I am very curious about the ice, whe­re it will stop us, what we will find the­re. But for the moment, to be honest, I’d be quite hap­py about some hours wit­hout wha­les …



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last modification: 2014-07-25 · copyright: Rolf Stange