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pfeil Guidebook: Spitsbergen-Svalbard pfeil


Lea­ving our ancho­ra­ge under sails and sun, pas­sing lar­ge ice­bergs, that meant start­ing the day in a love­ly way.

I wasn’t quite sure if we were able to keep it like that; this gent­le swell on the rocky, expo­sed east coast might be trou­ble. But going the­re and having a look is always the best thing to do. It tur­ned out to be sur­pri­sin­gly easy.

An excur­si­on to Juras­sic Park, or rather Creta­ce­ous Park. I have heard that the­re is even a report about the famous dino­saur tracks in the latest edi­ti­on of Sval­bard­pos­ten, from last week. Good timing. Now we want to see the real thing. Big foot­prints of big, evil, meat-eating dino­saurs, who left the marks of their big, sharp claws in the mud­dy sand more than 100 mil­li­on years ago (some­ti­mes, exc­tinc­tion of spe­ci­es isn’t such a bad thing at all …). The­re are quite a few of the­se tracks here, but most of them quite wea­the­red. But one or two are still well visi­ble. It took us some time, but we found them in the end.

But this rocky coast, the love­ly flowers and the view over the wild east coast would be worth a day alo­ne! You have to take such an oppor­tu­ni­ty. How often do you get to a place like this, on such a sun­ny day? Even on a calm day like today, the surf on the shal­lows is quite impres­si­ve.

And the per­spec­ti­ve from 250 met­res doesn’t lea­ve any­thing to be desi­red. Also the spor­ti­ve aspect was final­ly satis­fied. Vie­w­ing over almost the who­le of Storfjord, to Edgeøya and the east coast far to the south, and Nor­we­gi­an cho­co­la­te. What a place, what a life!

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

Later, time to relax while we cross Storfjord over to Edgeøya. The sies­ta is inter­rupt­ed by some Fin­wha­les and dol­phins.



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last modification: 2014-08-12 · copyright: Rolf Stange