This is the historical discovery of the year in the Arctic – at least: The Canadian government has announced to have found the wreck of one of the two ships of John Franklin’s expedition.
John Franklin was out to find the Northwest Passage with 2 ships, HMS Erebus and HMS Terror, and 129 men, sailing into the passage in 1845. Both ships and all men disappeared. Many expeditions were sent out to rescue Franklin and his men or to find out what had happened. This was a boost for geographical exploration in the Canadian arctic, but the fate of Franklin’s expedition was never fully resolved. After years, the first traces were found; it became clear that the men had left the ships, trying to reach safety, a hopeless effort considering the vast distances and the harsh climate. There were signs of cannibalism, but most must have died of starvation, cold and scurvy. Lead poisoning may have added to an overall health decline. Franklin had already died before the ships were deserted.
The 2 ships had been equipped with everything one could think of at that time, it was one of the largest arctic expeditions ever and its loss was a trauma for the British Royal Navy. The discovery of one of the 2 ships 169 years later is a sensation. It is so far unknown if it is the wreck of the HMS Erebus or the HMS Terror.
The Canadian government has put the search for Franklin’s ships on the agenda some years ago.
Franklin’s ships HMS Erebus and HMS Terror in the Northwest Passage (source: Wikimedia Commons).
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