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Novem­ber wet and warm

The num­ber 52 is sto­rytel­ling. This is the amount of pre­ci­pi­ta­ti­on (mm per months) mea­su­red in Novem­ber in LOn­gye­ar­by­en, in con­trast to a nor­mal month­ly avera­ge of 15 mm. This makes Novem­ber 2014 the wet­test Novem­ber in Lon­gye­ar­by­en ever sin­ce meteo­ro­lo­gi­cal recor­dings were star­ted in the ear­ly 20th cen­tu­ry. Until now, the record was held by Novem­ber 1993 with 46.5 mm.

Ny Åle­sund recei­ved an ama­zing 73.2 mm, but this was not enough to beat the record from Novem­ber 1993, which is an ama­zing 230.3 mm.

Also the tem­pe­ra­tures were abo­ve avera­ge, in Lon­gye­ar­by­en -6.4 degrees cen­ti­gra­de com­pared to an avera­ge of -10.3. The reason for the warm and wet wea­ther is the high fre­quen­cy of low pres­su­res coming from the west with warm and moist air. Nor­mal­ly, the­re is a stron­ger eas­tern influence with col­der and drier air in Novem­ber.

The wea­ther made its­elf felt in dai­ly life: A few snow mobi­les are now fro­zen solid on a ice-cover­ed ground, and it may take the next real thaw to make them move again. This may or may not hap­pen befo­re May. And the hos­pi­tal cer­tain­ly had an abo­ve avera­ge num­ber of pati­ents who had slip­ped on clear ice. It is recom­men­ded to use spikes and light or a reflec­tor if you walk around in Lon­gye­ar­by­en in the­se con­di­ti­ons.

Clear ice under a thin snow cover made wal­king in Lon­gye­ar­by­en dan­ge­rous at times in Novem­ber.

Clear ice

Source: Sval­bard­pos­ten



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last modification: 2014-12-05 · copyright: Rolf Stange