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pfeil Calendar 2025: Spitsbergen & Greenland pfeil


This year’s win­ter sea­son will not be long any­mo­re, Lan­gøy­sund is alre­a­dy sai­ling again, the good, old day trip boat that will take tou­rists to Barents­burg and Pyra­mi­den from now on throug­hout the sum­mer. Well, Pyra­mi­den is not yet acces­si­ble by boat, the­re is is still ice in inner Bil­lefjord – and that’s how it should be. Hop­eful­ly it lasts for ano­ther while.

We have to make use of that. Once again enjoy­ing the view from upper Nor­dens­ki­öld­breen across inner Bil­lefjord to Pyra­mi­den … a long trip, if done in one day, but we can’t afford a night in Pyra­mi­den now, time-wise.

The ice in Tem­pel­fjord has bro­ken up at Fred­heim, the­re is only a nar­row rim of ice atta­ched to the shore whe­re it is actual­ly still pos­si­ble to pass, but we deci­de to opt for a steep slo­pe down from a moun­tain deeper in the fjord, whe­re the ice is safer. Noor­der­licht is still the­re in the ice and will pro­ba­b­ly stay the­re for ano­ther cou­ple of weekd, but for how long will it be pos­si­ble to visit her?

The trip through scenic Bün­sow Land is always a high­light, espe­ci­al­ly in wea­ther like today. And then we have got it, this view from Nor­dens­ki­öld­breen, whe­re you stand 500 m abo­ve the fjord, under Urm­ston­fjel­let, to enjoy the view descri­bed abo­ve.

If you have been to Pyra­mi­den last year, then you will know the local gui­de Sascha. He is back again this year, a plea­sant mee­ting. And same for an equal­ly plea­sant, but much more sur­pri­sing mee­ting with a fri­end from the sai­ling boat Anti­gua. Ismail is here now with ano­ther boat, the Bør, which is along­side at the ice edge, not too far from Pyra­mi­den so they could walk here. So snow mobi­le expe­di­tio­nists and sail­ors meet in one and the same place.

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

The­re are even more remar­kab­le mee­tings on this beau­tiful day. As we have a rest on the ice on our way back to Nor­dens­ki­öld­breen, a polar bear fami­ly is wal­king not too far from us. The arc­tic can­not be more beau­tiful than this. They walk past us, and as they have left, we start again and con­ti­nue our long trip back to Lon­gye­ar­by­en. This was the last win­ter trip for us for this year. It won’t be long any­mo­re and then we will con­ti­nue under sail.



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last modification: 2015-12-31 · copyright: Rolf Stange