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HomeArctic blog: Jan Mayen, Spitsbergen → Crossing to Ice­land – 25th-27th June 2015

Crossing to Ice­land – 25th-27th June 2015

(25th-27th June 2015) – Three days dif­fe­rent from tho­se on the way up. Of cour­se still a long time for other­wi­se non-oce­an-going peo­p­le who just want to get from A to B. The sail­ors among­st us have, howe­ver, a good num­ber of enjoya­ble miles under sai­les. Start­ing with motoring from Jan May­en, as it is initi­al­ly calm and the wind which is then coming up is blo­wing against us (as always … but not too hard). But then the wind turns east, the sails go up and we don’t need the engi­ne for good parts of the remai­ning way. The oce­an-going souls seem to be glued to the stee­ring wheel while we are making good speed of up to around 10 knots on the way sou­thwest. Under a blue, sun­ny sky! Two times, dol­phins come to visit the boat.

And we are fas­ter on the way up, going along­side in Ísaf­jörður on Satur­day mid day alre­a­dy. The end of an inten­se, suc­cessful, good voya­ge. Thanks to all who were part of it, and good fur­ther tra­vels, home or onwards!

Gal­lery – Crossing to Ice­land – 25th-27th June 2015

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

For me, the next two days are the usu­al sequence of pack­ing, flights, air­ports … a bor­ing neces­si­ty, but soon life is going on in Spits­ber­gen, on board SV Anti­gua ☺



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last modification: 2016-11-20 · copyright: Rolf Stange