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Daily Archives: 6. September 2015 − News & Stories

Nor­t­hern light – 06th Sep­tem­ber 2015

The late night brought ano­ther high­light: a nor­t­hern light. The sky was glo­wing with green colours abo­ve the sou­thwes­tern moun­ta­ins when a beau­tiful auro­ra star­ted to shi­ne, coming and going a cou­ple of times. That was defi­ni­te­ly ano­ther wish that all of us here on board had.

Pho­to Nor­t­hern light – 06th Sep­tem­ber 2015


Tun­dra land & Island fjord – 06th Sep­tem­ber 2015

The coun­try in inner Score­s­by­sund is most­ly steep and rather alpi­ne, and it is not easy to find a place for a lon­ger hike. No ques­ti­on that we had to go out once for a good walk to get lost in the arc­tic natu­re with body and soul. Today was the day, both the ter­rain and the wea­ther were per­fect for it.

Pho­to C. Hof­mann Hal­vo – 06th Sep­tem­ber 2015 – 1/2


The tun­dra is glo­wing in all autumn colours: the Arc­tic wil­low in green and yel­low, the Dwarf birch in red and brown and the Crow­ber­ry with a red so inten­se as if they had an light­bulb inbuilt. The hike is taking us from one hill crow­ned with a huge erra­tic bould­er to the next one, every sin­gle one invi­ting for shorter or lon­ger breaks to let the eye wan­der over the wide tun­dra and the colourful moun­ta­ins. A first class arc­tic expe­ri­ence, fault­less polar plea­su­re. A sno­wy hare and some musko­xen are the icing on the cake.

Pho­to C. Hof­mann Hal­vo – 06th Sep­tem­ber 2015 – 2/2


The pas­sa­ge through Øfjord makes the round trip through the inner fjords of Score­s­by­sund com­ple­te. 40 nau­ti­cal miles through this migh­ty sound, whe­re near-ver­ti­cal rock­walls drop a kilo­met­re below sea level and rise simi­lar­ly high abo­ve. A feast for tho­se inte­res­ted in geo­lo­gy and in aes­the­ti­cal struc­tures in rocks, and tho­se who want to be impres­sed by the dimen­si­ons of a huge land­scape, will find their hea­ven here any­way.

Pho­to Ofjord – 06th Sep­tem­ber 2015


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