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HomeArctic blog: Jan Mayen, Spitsbergen → The nor­thwest shows off, part II – 28th Sep­tem­ber 2015

The nor­thwest shows off, part II – 28th Sep­tem­ber 2015

As men­tio­ned, this was not all this day should bring. We were thin­king about a litt­le late after­noon landing, hoping to find a reason­ab­ly shel­te­red spot. We for­got about that quick­ly. The wind was one aspect. Admit­ted­ly, when I saw the wind blo­wing out of the bay and on to the shore of our envi­sa­ged landing site, I was alre­a­dy thin­king how to get out of it again. But that was not even neces­sa­ry. Sud­den­ly a polar bear was seen wal­king on the slo­pe not far from the place and that attrac­ted of cour­se ever­y­bo­dies atten­ti­on. It wal­ked along the coast, we inde­ed a lone­so­me wal­rus was lying, pas­sing it within a few met­res initi­al­ly wit­hout pay­ing atten­ti­on (is it real­ly pos­si­ble that he was not awa­re of it to begin with?). Then he reco­gni­zed it, made some steps towards it, pro­ba­b­ly hoping for a big meal, but the wal­rus demons­tra­ted with a quick move­ment of its migh­ty tusks that this might be a bad idea.

Pho­to Fla­t­hu­ken 28th Sep­tem­ber 2015


The bear con­tin­ued and it was kind enough to do so in an area whe­re Joa­chim could maneou­vre the Anti­gua reason­ab­ly clo­se to the shore. It was cer­tain­ly clo­se enough for me, other­wi­se I would have had to remo­ve the tele con­ver­ter … the final high­light of the day was a stun­ning set of sun­set colours abo­ve an ama­zing sce­n­ery. So now the day is over. The second day of the trip, and it could not have been bet­ter!

Pho­to Raud­fjord 28th Sep­tem­ber 2015


Now we are curious about tomor­row. Even more wind is expec­ted – we shall see.



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last modification: 2016-09-21 · copyright: Rolf Stange