Harstad and Trondenes – 03rd November 2015
3 Nov
It turned out that we managed to escape quite well from the storm. Further south, harbours had been closed and ferries were cancelled. In comparison, it was quite allright further north.
Gallery – Harstad and Trondenes – 03rd November 2015
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At least it is dry enough today for a walk through Harstad. The historical-touristic highlights are, however, not in Harstad, but a few kilometres further east in Trondenes. Next to a historical museum and north Norway’s oldest stone church, there is a WWII gun battery which is indeed known by the bizarre name Adolf Gun. It was part of Hitler’s fortification of the Atlantic coast. The Adolf Gun was a mighty thing, with a calibre of 40.6 cm and the capacity to shoot shells that were more than 1000 kg heavy over more than 40 km. And they would even have been able to hit a ship, as the Norwegian military found out later. Luckily, the battery never fired in anger, that is the only positive aspect of this history. But we must not forget the terrible fate of those Russian prisoners-of-war who had to build the fortress. Hundreds of them died during this slavery work.
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last modification: 2016-09-21 ·
copyright: Rolf Stange