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Home* News and Stories → Hiking to Pyra­mi­den in the polar night

Hiking to Pyra­mi­den in the polar night

Hiking from Lon­gye­ar­by­en to Pyra­mi­den in the polar night does not sound like a good plan. Not having serious equip­ment does not make it bet­ter. If you start such a deman­ding jour­ney wit­hout at least a good slee­ping bag, solid win­ter hiking boots and a wea­pon (and a lot of other stuff), then you are eit­her cra­zy or sui­ci­dal.

So nobo­dy would even think of this? Wrong. Yes­ter­day (Novem­ber 23), the Sys­sel­man­nen (poli­ce; search and res­cue agen­cy) had to go out by heli­c­op­ter to search for a tou­rist from Eng­land who had left Lon­gye­ar­by­en and told peo­p­le befo­re that this was exact­ly what he inten­ded to do – on his own. Some locals he had been tal­king to had cont­ac­ted the Sys­sel­man­nen.

As it tur­ned out, the many war­ning the man had recei­ved had alre­a­dy been enough to make him chan­ge his mind: he had alre­a­dy aban­do­ned his ide­as of a hike to Pyra­mi­den, ins­tead opting for a much more reasonable walk to mine 7.

The distance to Pyra­mi­den is 50 km as the crow flies, but the distance over land is well over 100 km, espe­ci­al­ly as the fjords are still open. The­re are seve­ral crev­as­sed gla­ciers on the way: altog­e­ther, an impos­si­ble task in dark­ness for a sin­gle per­son.

The last part of the over­land rou­te to Pyra­mi­den: Nor­dens­ki­öld­breen and Bil­lefjord (fro­zen).

Route to Pyramiden

Source: Sval­bard­pos­ten



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last modification: 2015-11-24 · copyright: Rolf Stange