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Home* News and Stories → Ava­lan­che in Lon­gye­ar­by­en: one per­son con­firm­ed dead

Ava­lan­che in Lon­gye­ar­by­en: one per­son con­firm­ed dead

Today’s ava­lan­che in Lon­gye­ar­by­en has taken one person’s life. Res­cue forces found the body of a resi­dent who was bet­ween 40 and 50 years old. Seve­ral per­sons are inju­red and at least 10 hou­ses dama­ged. No fur­ther per­sons are miss­ing.

A num­ber of hou­ses in the part of Lon­gye­ar­by­en con­cer­ned have been evacua­ted to pre­vent fur­ther risks. The hou­ses are tho­se ones which are nea­rest to the moun­tain Suk­ker­top­pen. The addres­ses con­cer­ned are Vei 230 nr 29 – 39, Vei 228 – nr 6 -16 and 15-21, Vei 226 nr 10, 12 and 31 – 37 and Vei 222 Nr 5-17 as well as Vei 224 Nr. 6 and 7 and the old hos­pi­tal (which has been an appart­ment house for many years now) and all hou­ses in Nyby­en, whe­re guest hou­ses and stu­dent halls of resi­den­cy are loca­ted. The road from the cent­re to Nyby­en is clo­sed.

Near 100 res­cue per­so­nell and vol­un­teers are on loca­ti­on. Locals have offe­red their flats and pri­va­te guest rooms to tho­se who have lost their hou­ses.

Some of the hou­ses that have been dama­ged by the ava­lan­che today (archi­ve image).




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last modification: 2015-12-19 · copyright: Rolf Stange