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Home* News and Stories → Evacua­ti­on of Nyby­en lifted

Evacua­ti­on of Nyby­en lifted

Yesterday’s evacua­ti­on of Longyearbyen’s upper area Nyby­en is lifted. Also the road bet­ween the school and Nyby­en is open again.

Sys­sel­man­nen and other aut­ho­ri­ties (NVE) have inves­ti­ga­ted the snow on the slo­pes abo­ve Nyby­en and other parts of Lon­gye­ar­by­en which are poten­ti­al­ly expo­sed to ava­lan­ches. It is curr­ent­ly offi­ci­al­ly con­side­red that the­re is no risk of major ava­lan­ches that might hit buil­dings.

The­re are no reports about major dama­ge from last night’s storm inclu­ding ava­lan­ches. A post box was blown away and a dog was cover­ed by snow in the dogyard, but it was found and dug out in good con­di­ti­on.

The Sys­sel­man­nen reminds ever­y­bo­dy that the ava­lan­che risk for Lon­gye­ar­by­ens sur­roun­dings is still con­side­red high and to be accor­din­gly careful with any out­side acti­vi­ties.

Longyearbyen’s upper area Nyby­en: the recent evacua­ti­on becau­se of ava­lan­che risk is lifted.

Longyearbyen avalanche risk: Nybyen evacuation

Source: Sys­sel­man­nen



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last modification: 2016-12-29 · copyright: Rolf Stange