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HomeArctic blog: Jan Mayen, Spitsbergen → Rei­ne & Nusfjord – 20 May, 2017

Rei­ne & Nusfjord – 20 May, 2017

We went along­side in Rei­ne in the ear­liest mor­ning hours. Not that I took much noti­ce, initi­al­ly. I was not far away, phy­si­cal­ly. But you have to get a litt­le bit of sleep at some stage. Even though it is not yet mid­night sun time here. Ofi­ci­al­ly, the sun is still going down for 3 hours or so. But the­re is no dark­ness, of cour­se.

It is a bit over­cast, but calm and dry, so we take the Zodiacs to crui­se deep into Rei­nefjord for a good hike. We fol­low a shal­low bay and climb up a ridge that sepa­ra­tes the inner bran­ches of Rei­nefjord from the outer coast. The­re, we have one of the­se wide, white sand bea­ches that the outer side of the Lofo­ten islands is famous for. Beau­tiful! If it was just 20 degrees war­mer, we could spend a lazy day on the beach … but it is quite fresh, and we are hap­py about that. We rather enjoy the views of the steep gra­ni­te walls around the bay. Stun­ning sce­n­ery! A high-alpi­ne moun­tain chain at sea level.

Gal­lery – Rei­ne & Nusfjord – 20 May, 2017

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

A visit to the love­ly litt­le old fishing vil­la­ge of Nusfjord in the after­noon makes the day com­ple­te, befo­re we set cour­se for Kabel­våg for a calm night along­side in the har­bour.



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last modification: 2017-05-21 · copyright: Rolf Stange