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HomeArctic blog: Jan Mayen, Spitsbergen → Eidem­buk­ta-Alk­hor­net – 30th May, 2017

Eidem­buk­ta-Alk­hor­net – 30th May, 2017

We were yes­ter­day blown into Eidem­buk­ta, the best place to stay as things were. It was a nice pas­sa­ge under sails. And today? The day starts with bright suns­hi­ne. And almost no ripp­le on the water! Let’s go ashore!

Wide-open west coast tun­dra land, a lot of snow in the low­lands, some rocky hills. And reinde­er. And reinde­er. And, in case I have not yet men­tio­ned it, reinde­er. They were almost stal­king us.

Later in Isfjord, we were bles­sed with a very rare encoun­ter. A blue wha­le! The lar­gest ani­mal ever crea­ted by evo­lu­ti­on. Brought to the edge of exc­tinc­tion by man­kind. And one of a few thousand of them which are still around in the world’s oce­ans is now and here swim­ming around Anti­gua. How gre­at is that!

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

We are hap­py to spend some time with the big blue wha­le, making our after­noon landing a bit shorter. Still, it turns out to be a very fine tour at Alk­hor­net.



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last modification: 2017-06-01 · copyright: Rolf Stange