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HomeArctic blog: Jan Mayen, Spitsbergen → 80 degrees north – 09th July 2017

80 degrees north – 09th July 2017

Who would have thought a week ago that we would make it up to 80 degrees north? Back then, we were still some­whe­re in the far sou­the­ast, facing a long pas­sa­ge around the south cape. And now, we are sud­den­ly on the north coast 🙂

Even on 80 degrees north. Mof­fen is not far. It is not allo­wed to make landings the­re until mid Sep­tem­ber. Con­di­ti­ons would be per­fect today. Flat-calm waters, open drift ice. We cele­bra­ted the 80th par­al­lel duly and enjoy­ed the magic of the ice. We just escaped a win­tering on an ice floe 😉

We made good use of the calm con­di­ti­ons on the north coast by making a rela­tively rare landing at Vel­komst­pyn­ten, on the north coast of Reins­dyr­flya. A nice hike over the tun­dra took us to Vel­komst­var­den, just 95 met­res high, but that is hig­her than any­thing near­by, hence pro­vi­ding an ama­zing view over Reins­dyr­flya, Wood­fjord and Lief­defjord.

Gal­lery – 80 degrees north – 09th July 2017

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

After our landing, the­re was a lot less pla­s­tic on the beach east of Vel­komst­var­den. Enough to fill seve­ral lar­ge bags. Good thing! So the gre­at polar BBQ that Sascha, Jana & Co had pre­pared for us on deck was well deser­ved and great­ly enjoy­ed, while Anti­gua was making her way south through the drift ice, deeper into Wood­fjord.



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last modification: 2017-07-12 · copyright: Rolf Stange