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Home* News and Stories → Rus­si­an heli­c­op­ter wreck lifted

Rus­si­an heli­c­op­ter wreck lifted

The wreck of the Rus­si­an heli­c­op­ter that cra­s­hed into Isfjord clo­se to Barents­burg pre­vious Thurs­day was lifted last night. The spe­cial ship Maersk For­za was brought to Spits­ber­gen for this task and com­ple­ted the work suc­cessful­ly on the night from Fri­day to Satur­day. The­re were 8 per­sons on board the MI-8-heli­c­op­ter when it cra­s­hed, inclu­ding 5 crew mem­bers and 3 sci­en­tists. One body had alre­a­dy been found some days ago about 130 m away from the wreck. The­re is no trace so far from the other crew mem­bers, and the search for them will be con­tin­ued.

The cock­pit voice recor­der could secu­red tog­e­ther with GPS units which are expec­ted to have the actu­al flight track saved. They will be brought to Mosk­va for fur­ther inves­ti­ga­ti­ons.

Mean­while, ques­ti­ons are rai­sed regar­ding the cau­se of the crash and the cir­cum­s­tances of the flight. The data recor­ders that were secu­red are likely to shed light on the actu­al crash. It seems that the flight was not legal accor­ding to appli­ca­ble Nor­we­gi­an legis­la­ti­on. The Nor­we­gi­an flight per­mit issued to the ope­ra­tor covers only flights in direct com­bi­na­ti­on to the ope­ra­ti­ons of the mining com­pa­ny Trust Ark­ti­ku­gol, for exam­p­le trans­port of com­pa­ny employees bet­ween Lon­gye­ar­by­en and Barents­burg. Com­mer­cial flights and trans­por­ta­ti­on of tou­rists and sci­en­tists are expli­ci­te­ly excluded.

The­re were 3 sci­en­tists on board the heli­c­op­ter when it cra­s­hed.

The wreck of the Rus­si­an heli­c­op­ter, which cra­s­hed on Octo­ber 26 clo­se to Barents­burg into Isfjord, on board the ship Maersk For­za (pho­to © SHT).

helicopter wreck lifted.

Source: Sval­bard­pos­ten



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last modification: 2017-11-04 · copyright: Rolf Stange