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pfeil Calendar 2025: Spitsbergen & Greenland pfeil

Barents Sea

Always kee­ping a good eye on the wea­ther fore­cast, we deci­ded in Stok­mark­nes to make this our depar­tu­re point from the main­land of Nor­way and to set cour­se direct­ly for the Barents Sea and Bear Island. The­re is a lot of wind in the north Atlan­tic, and if we are too late, we will get more of it than we will like, and we will get it on the nose. So, bet­ter to be out ear­ly to avo­id that! Taking off here and now, we have a good chan­ce for very fair sai­ling winds on our way north.

 Barents Sea

Set­ting cour­se for the Barents Sea and Bear Island

So we said good­bye and fare­well to main­land Nor­way in Stok­mark­nes and a few hours later we were alre­a­dy at sea. Sails up and cour­se for Bear Island (Bjørnøya)! That was our mot­to for the next round­about 44 hours. Sun, sai­ling with 9-10 knots, tho­se were the the­mes of the day on Wed­nes­day. The same, just wit­hout sun, on Thurs­day mor­ning, but now we have got Bear Island 20 miles ahead of us and we will drop anchor in a very few hours!



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last modification: 2018-05-24 · copyright: Rolf Stange