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pfeil Guidebook: Spitsbergen-Svalbard pfeil


The pas­sa­ge during the night from Horn­sund up to Bell­sund could have been a bit smoot­her, but it was all for­got­ten when we were gree­ted by some very curious reinde­er in Bell­sund, with a gla­cier in the back­ground! So we did later, stan­ding on a litt­le hill, enjoy­ing an ama­zing view over the fast ice in Van Mijenfjord.

Svalbard Reindeer, Bellsund

Sval­bard Reinde­er are smal­ler than their rela­ti­ves on the main­land.

Later we saw some wal­rus­ses, also with a gre­at scenic back­drop. Bell­sund is one of Spitsbergen’s most beau­tiful places. It is easy to get lost here, men­tal­ly!


View over Bell­sund

And now the­re are some kilos of pla­s­tic less on the bea­ches in Bell­sund. We also remo­ved a fishing net. The­re was a smal­ler pie­ce of fishing net whe­re 2 reinde­er had got ent­an­gled. At least one of them had died with the net in the ant­lers. The other one may have escaped. Awful! This who­le pla­s­tic issue will stay with us for a long time, I am afraid. The­re is still a looooot of work to do. Most of it far south of Spits­ber­gen, by the way.

Other than that: ano­ther beau­tiful day in the Arc­tic!


Remains of fishing nets and other pla­s­tic was­te have often tra­vel­led thou­sands of miles befo­re they end up on Spits­ber­gen.



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last modification: 2018-05-28 · copyright: Rolf Stange