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HomeArctic blog: Jan Mayen, Spitsbergen → Nord­fjord – 28 July 2018

Nord­fjord – 28 July 2018

We spent the last day in Nord­fjord, name­ly in one of its nor­t­hern bran­ches cal­led Ekm­anfjord. Ama­zing how the land­scapes of Spits­ber­gen could still sur­pri­se and ama­ze us after a trip that felt like months long. The pro­tru­ding cliffs of the moun­ta­ins remind of gothic cathe­drals.


Tun­dra on Blo­mes­let­ta.

A walk and a long hike, accor­ding to choice, took us across a wide-open tun­dra area with some hills and lakes, whe­re we enjoy­ed various flowers, birds, the colours of the tun­dra and all the details that the arc­tic has to offer.

Blomesletta Rentiergeweih

Reinde­er ant­ler in a lake on Blo­mes­let­ta.

Wahl­enberg­breen is a very acti­ve gla­cier and the place that Rolf cho­se for our fare­well to Spits­ber­gen. We moved sil­ent­ly bet­ween many litt­le ice­bergs and ber­gy bits with the Zodiacs to enjoy and say good­bye to the Arc­tic – for this time.


Wahl­enberg­breen: gla­cier and moun­ta­ins.

A fri­end­ly Hump­back wha­le waved us good­bye with the flu­ke just befo­re we went along­side in Lon­gye­ar­by­en.

Humpback whale Adventfjord

Hump­back wha­le in Advent­fjord.



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last modification: 2018-08-07 · copyright: Rolf Stange