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Daily Archives: 6. September 2018 − News & Stories

The Spits­ber­gen-Calen­dar 2019 is available

Our alre­a­dy almost tra­di­tio­nal Spits­ber­gen-calen­der ist now available for 2019. It is available as befo­re in the big­ger A3 for­mat (beau­tiful on the wall) and the smal­ler A5 (gre­at for exam­p­le on the table or on the wall whe­re not so much space is available).

Spitsbergen-Calendar 2019

With arc­tic impres­si­ons through the year: the new calen­dar Spits­ber­gen 2019 is now available.

As oppo­sed to other offers available on the mar­ket, we sel­ect a set of 12 enti­re­ly new pho­tos every year to crea­te a com­ple­te­ly new calen­dar with fresh impres­si­ons, show­ing some of Spitsbergen’s most beau­tiful sides inclu­ding sce­n­ery, wild­life and flowers.

Spitsbergen-Calendar 2019

Unu­su­al per­spec­ti­ve of an impres­si­ve land­scape: the ice cap Aus­t­fon­na seen from the air.

Unu­su­al per­spec­ti­ves of remo­te places tog­e­ther with stun­ning wild­life pho­tos form a good part of the sel­ec­tion, which is com­ple­ted by flowers and stun­ning sce­n­ery of polar land­scapes and ice.

Spitsbergen-Calendar 2019

Of cour­se the­re are some polar bears in the calen­dar 🙂

Click here to see all images of the Spits­bergn calen­der 2019, more infor­ma­ti­on and orde­ring.

Job mar­ket in Lon­gye­ar­by­en gro­wing in spi­te of reduc­tion in coal mining

The gre­at fear of a col­lap­se of the job mar­ket in Lon­gye­ar­by­en after the signi­fi­cant reduc­tion of coal mining, espe­ci­al­ly in Sveagru­va, did not beco­me rea­li­ty so far. This is indi­ca­ted by the latest sta­tis­tics of the Sta­tis­tik Sen­tral­by­rå, the Nor­we­gi­an direc­to­ry of sta­tis­tics. In 2017, the­re were 4.2 % more jobs in Sval­bard com­pared to 2016. The num­ber of jobs in mining were actual­ly redu­ced by 34 % down to 100, but this loss was more than com­pen­sa­ted by growth in other bran­ches, most­ly in rela­ti­on to tou­rism. Hotels and restau­rants crea­ted 36.3 % more jobs in 2017 than in 2016, total­ling 315 jobs in 2015. ´

Longyearbyen: job market growing

Lon­gye­ar­by­en is gro­wing, also on the job mar­ket: 4,2 % more jobs in 2017.

This growth is mea­su­red in “Års­verk”, which may be best trans­la­ted with “man hours per year”. 315 “års­verk” do not neces­s­a­ri­ly mean 315 full-time employees, but an amount of paid work that could be done by 315 peo­p­le within one year. This amount of work may, howe­ver, be spread over a lar­ger num­ber of part-time or sea­so­nal jobs, which is cer­tain­ly the case to some degree in tou­rism. “Tou­rism” as such is not a cate­go­ry in the sta­tis­tics. Jobs crea­ted within tou­rism are mea­su­red in cate­go­ries such as hotels & restau­rants, ser­vice indus­try and trans­port and logi­stics.


News-Listing live generated at 2024/September/15 at 10:04:48 Uhr (GMT+1)