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HomeArctic blog: Jan Mayen, Spitsbergen → Murch­ison­fjord – 14 Sep­tem­ber 2018

Murch­ison­fjord – 14 Sep­tem­ber 2018

A reason­ab­ly calm night under sail brings uns far east to Nord­aus­t­land, as far as Murch­ison­fjord. A thin lay­er of fresh snow is a clear sign of the sum­mer fight­ing a lost batt­le in the­se lati­tu­des, the ther­mo­met­re does hard­ly climb abo­ve zero any­mo­re. A snow show­er was redu­cing the visi­bi­li­ty almost to zero as soon as we went ashore.

Snaddvika, Murchisonfjord

Snaddvi­ka, Murch­ison­fjord

We lan­ded in the inner­most cor­ner of Murch­ison­fjord. White snow was cove­ring red rocks, gree­tings from ear­ly chap­ters of Earth histo­ry. Wide-open views over hills and val­leys, fjords and islands, with the ice cap in the back­ground.

Kinnvika, Murchisonfjord

Kinn­vi­ka, Murch­ison­fjord

We move over to Kinn­vi­ka for the after­noon landing. The Sep­tem­ber sun is cas­ting warm light over the cold land­scape and the old Swe­dish rese­arch seta­ti­on. The light is get­ting more and more inten­si­ve, with colours like from an dream.

We spend the night at anchor in Kinn­vi­ka, nice and calm.

Kinnvika, Murchisonfjord

The Swe­dish rese­arch sta­ti­on Kinn­vi­ka was last in ope­ra­ti­on in 2007/2008.



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last modification: 2019-08-07 · copyright: Rolf Stange