27 Jun
Southwards – that was to be Hornsund for us. After checking the updated weather forecast, we had changed our plan and went to Bellsund. The weather does not seem to be too promising further south.
So Bellsund is the place for today. It is a bit grey, but calm and silent as the anchor goes down after breakfast.
Recherchefjord is a place full of history from several centuries. Like the first winterers on Spitsbergen, Tsjitsjagov’s badly planned expedition, the rather successful Recherche-expedition, the unlucky voyage of the Monte Cervantes and the mystery of Gjæver’s Villa.
Other stories reach further back. Such as the fossilised moraine that dates to the snowball earth era. Almost 600 million years back.
Later, we enjoy a good tundra walk in Van Keulenfjord. Plenty of curious reindeer everywhere. We reach some beautiful viewpoints and stunning scenery, before we get back to the ship, a bit late for dinner.
Gallery – Bellsund – 27th June 2019
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I almost can’t believe it when Captain Robert shows me the latest weather forecast. Southeastern Spitsbergen, until recently the place where we wanted to go, will soon turn into a very unpleasant weather hole. We prefer to change our plans and stay somewhere nice, so we set course northwards again. It may look a bit strange later on the map, but cares?